perfectcrimeCreativity: The Perfect Crime
By Philippe Petit

Not just an eclectic artist but a revolutionary.

Notable Quote:  “The creator must be an outlaw. Not a criminal outlaw, but rather a poet who cultivates intellectual rebellion. The difference between a bank job and an illegal high-wire walk is para- mount: the aerial crossing does not steal anything; it offers an ephemeral gift, one that delights and inspires.”




Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative
by Austin Kleon

Notable Quote: “Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats.” ~ Howard Aiken



fearlessFearless Creating: A Step-by-Step Guide To Starting and Completing Your Work of Art

by Eric Maisel 







artistswayThe Complete Artist’s Way
Julie Cameron

This includes all three of Julia’s trilogy of creativity books. The Artist’s WayWalking in This World, and Finding Water. This is one of my bibles as an artist.





rilke Letter To A Young Poet, Rilke
A must read for all artists new or seasoned.

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